材料 Ingredients
Note: Chinese donut can be substituted with potato chips or fried wonton wrap.
1. | 生菜頭切掉﹐每葉輕輕剝開洗乾淨。葉片如何較大則對切成兩半。如果是宴客用可將每葉修剪成圓形比較好看。 |
2. | 將蝦用水沖洗後抽掉砂腸﹐確定所有的黏液都沖洗掉。用紙巾將蝦擦得非常乾這樣炒的蝦才會脆。將蝦切成小粒。 |
3. | 香菇泡軟。蔥洗乾淨。香菇﹐竹筍﹐香腸和蔥切成小粒。油條壓碎。 |
4. | 準備清炒醬汁,配方中的水省略。 |
5. | 將蝦仁用基本醃料醃 15 分鐘。 |
6. | 鍋燒熱加入2大匙油。 先炒香香菇和香腸,再加入蝦丁和筍丁炒至8分熟。 |
7. | 加入清炒醬汁和蠔油炒熟後再加入蔥花和油條拌勻。 |

1. | Cut the head of the lettuce. Gently peel each leaf off and wash under running water. Cut the large leaf in half. For a prettier presentation, trim the leaf into round cup-shapes. |
2. | Devein and wash the shrimp. Make sure that all the mucus on the body is gone. Dry the shrimp thoroughly with paper towels. Then, dice the shrimp. |
3. | Soak the shitake mushrooms in water until soft. Clean and dice the scallion. Also dice the mushroom, bamboo shoot and sausage. Crush the Chinese donut. |
4. | Prepare the Light Sauté sauce. Omit the water in the recipe. |
5. | Marinate the shrimp with the Light Basic Marinade for 15 min. |
6. | Heat a wok and add 2 tbs. of oil. Stir fry the mushrooms and sausage first until it is aromatic. Add the shrimp and bamboo shoot. Stir fry until 80% done. |
7. | Add the Light Sauté Sauce and oyster sauce. Continue stirring until the shrimp is done. Then mix in the scallion and Chinese Donut. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 07/02/2013©
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