製麵機水餃皮 Pasta Maker Made Chinese Dumpling Wrappers
材料 Ingredients
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1. | 攪拌機裝上勾狀腳。將麵粉,水和鹽放進攪拌缸用速度2揉10分鐘後倒在工作台上用手揉捏成一個粗糙的麵團。沒有攪拌機也可以直接就用手揉。 |
2. | 麵團用保潔膜包住醒30分鐘。 |
3. | 麵團切成2.5cm厚片。製麵機刻度設在1,取一麵片用製麵機壓成長片。對折兩次後再壓一次,重複此動作大約5次直到麵片光滑。讓製麵機一直運轉,將麵皮頭尾黏結一起成為一個圈圈,刻度由2逐漸轉到5後壓到麵皮厚度一致。 |
4. | 工作台上撒上手粉。將壓好的麵圈剪斷後轉移到工作台上,確定麵皮兩面都沾到麵粉。麵皮折成8.5cm折子,再用圓形模印印出一疊水餃皮。立即將每張水餃皮分開以免沾粘,印剩下的麵團揉在一起後可再壓成麵皮。 |
5. | 重複步驟3和4將剩餘麵團做完。每張水餃皮重約9克。 |

1. | Install a dough hook to the mixer. Place flour, water and salt into the mixing bowl. Knead over speed 2 until all the ingredients are well combined, appx. 10 minutes. Transfer the mixture onto a working surface and form it into a ball with your hands. If you don't have a mixer, you can roughly knead the dough with your hands to form a shaggy ball. |
2. | Cover the dough with a piece of plastic wrap. Let it rest for 30 minutes. |
3. | Cut the dough into 1" wide slices. Feed one piece of dough through the pasta maker, set the thickness to #1. Fold the dough in half twice, then feed it through the pasta maker again. Repeat this process around 5 times until the dough is smooth. Keep the pasta maker running, pinch two ends of the dough strip together to form a loop, then gradually set the thickness from 2 to 5. Press the dough until the thickness is consistent. |
4. | Lightly flour the working surface. Snip off the dough loop. Transfer the pressed dough strip onto the surface and make sure that both sides of the strip are floured. Fold the strip into 3.5" wide folds. Use the round cutter to make a sack of round wrappers. Separate each wrapper immediately to avoid the wrappers sticking to each other. The remaining dough after the cut can be reused to make the wrappers. |
5. | Repeat steps 3 and 4 for the remaining dough. Eech wrapper weighs about 9 grams. |
手工水餃皮 Hand Made Chinese Dumpling Wrappers
材料 Ingredient
1. | 將所有材料揉光滑的麵團。 |
2. | 將麵團切成6份,每份桿成長條後再切成10等份 (共60份)。麵團上要蓋濕布以免變乾。 |
3. | 將每一小麵團桿成中間厚週邊薄的圓片。 |

1. | Combine all the ingredients and knead until the dough is smooth. |
2. | Divide the dough into 6 equal portions. Roll each portion into a coil. Cut each coil into 10 equal pieces (60 total). Cover the dough with a damp towel. |
3. | Roll each piece of dough into a disk that is thick in the center and thin around the edges. |
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