材料 Ingredients
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1. | 將雞腿沖洗乾淨,擦乾後剁成小塊 (你可以請肉販代剁)。紅蘿蔔洗乾淨,去皮切成小塊。洋蔥去皮後也切成小塊。 |
2. | 將紅燒番茄醬汁準備好。 |
3. | 鍋內2大匙油燒熱﹐放進雞塊用中小火煎到兩面金黃。加入紅蘿蔔和洋蔥略炒。 |
4. | 加入紅燒茄汁用大火燒滾。 |
5. | 將火關小成中小火。加蓋繼續燜煮30分鐘到雞塊變軟。 |
6. | 如果醬汁還剩很多﹐開大火將醬汁收乾。 |

1. | Wash and dry the chicken leg. Cut it into small pieces (you can ask your butcher to chop it for you.). Wash and peel the carrot. Cut it into small chunks. Peel the onion. Also cut it into small chunks. |
2. | Prepare the Tomato Sauce. |
3. | Heat 2 tbs. of oil in a pot. Add the chicken pieces and pan-fry them at medium-low heat until they are golden brown. Add the carrot and onion chunks and stir several times. |
4. | Add the Tomato Sauce and cook at high heat until the mixture is boiling. |
5. | Turn down the heat to medium-low. Continue cooking until the chicken is tender (approx. 30 minutes). |
6. | Turn up the heat to high and cook until the sauce is thick. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 09/23/2013
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