白菜粉絲肉丸湯 Meatball Soup with Cabbage and Vermicelli

材料 Ingredients
餡肉餡 Meat filling 1 杯 cup
小白菜 Baby cabbage 1/3 磅 lb (150g)
粉絲 Vermicelli 1 把 bundle
無鹽高湯 Unsalted Stock 6 杯 cup
鹽 Salt 1/2 小匙 tsp
白胡椒 White pepper 1/4 小匙 tsp
麻油 Sesame oil 1/4 小匙 tsp


1.Wash the baby cabbages and cut them into 2" segments.
2. Place the meat filling on your left palm. Loosely close your palm and form a circular opening with your index finger and thumb. Push the meat filling through the opening and form a small ball. Using the same method to make meatballs from the rest of the meat filling. (Note: I usually use the leftover meat filling from making dumpling or buns.)
3.Boil 6 cups of stock in a pot. Add the meatballs, vermicelli and salt and cook in medium-high heat until the meatballs are floating. Stir in the baby cabbages and continue cooking for another 30 seconds. Turn off the heat.
4.Sprinkle the sesame oil and white pepper.

最後更新 (Last Update): 10/14/2013
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