材料 Ingredients
1. | 牛蒡洗乾淨,用刀刮去外皮後切成斜片再切成如火柴棒的細絲。切好的牛蒡要馬上放進醋水(1大匙醋+3杯水)中,以免發黑。 |
2. | 把韓式燒醬準備好。 |
3. | 鍋燒熱後加入除了芝麻以外的其它材料並翻炒均勻,之後用中火燒到醬汁收到剩1/3,當中要攪拌數次。 |
4. | 裝盤後撒上芝麻即可。 |

1. | Rinse the burdock root and scrape the skin off by using the a knife. Diagonally cut the burdock root into thin slices then cut them into matchstick like strips. Place the burdock root in a bowl of vinegar water (1 tbs. of vinegar + 3 cups of water) to prevent it from turning black. |
2. | Prepare the Korean Stir-fry Sauce. |
3. | Add all the ingredients except for the sesame seeds in a heated pan and stir until well mixed. Continue to cook over medium heat until the sauce is reduced to 1/3, stir occasionally. |
4. | Plate the dish and sprinkle with roasted sesame seeds. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 07/19/2018
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