材料 Ingredients
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1. | 白菜洗乾淨後切成粗條。洋蔥去皮後切成細絲。蔥洗乾淨切成5cm小段。香菇剪去硬蒂。菠菜洗乾淨。雞肉切成粗條。 |
2. | 把柴魚麵湯頭放進一個陶鍋燒開,加入白菜,紅蘿蔔片,和洋蔥絲用中小火煮到白菜變軟。 |
3. | 另外燒開1/2鍋的水。放進將烏龍麵後輕輕攪拌到麵分散後就撈出來放在一旁。 |
4. | 將菠菜放進滾水中燙30秒。撈出用冷水沖涼,擠乾後切成5cm小段。 |
5. | 把雞肉放進滾水中燙到半熟後撈出。 |
6. | 將烏龍麵放進柴魚麵湯頭內,圍著鍋邊擺上香菇,魚板,蔥段,雞肉,菠菜,和生蛋。繼續用中火煮到雞肉熟透。起鍋後將炸蝦放在鍋中央。 |

1. | Wash the Napa cabbage leaves and cut them into thick strips. Peel and cut the onion into thin strips. Wash and cut the scallions into 2" segments. Remove the woody stems from the shitake mushrooms. Wash the spinach. Cut the chicken into thick strips. |
2. | Boil the Bonito Soup Base in a clay pot. Add the Napa cabbage strips, carrot slices and onion strips in the soup and cook in medium-low heat until the caggabe is tender. |
3. | Boil a 1/2-full pot of water. Add the udon and gently stir the noodles until they are loose. Take out the noodles and set them aside. |
4. | Blanch the spinach in the boiling water for 30 seconds. Take out the spinach and rinse it under running water. Squeeze the spinach and cut it into 2" segments. |
6. | Place the chicken in the hot water and cook until it is 50% done. Set the chicken aside. |
7. | Place the udon noodles in the bonito soup. Then add the shitake mushroom, fish cake, scallion segments, chicken, spinach and one raw egg around the clay pot. Continue cooking until the chicken is completely done. Remove the clay pot from the stove. Add the shrimp tempura and serve immediately. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 11/13/2013
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