燙麵油酥麵團 Boiled Dough Stuffed with Oily Dough
材料 A Ingredients A (油酥 Oily Dough)
低筋麵粉 Cake flour | 2/3 | 杯 cup |
無水牛油 Clarified butter | 1/4 | 杯 cup |
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Note: The clarified butter can be subsitituted with other cooking oil.
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材料 B Ingredients B (燙麵 Boiled Dough)
中筋麵粉 All purpose flour | 2-1/3 | 杯 cup |
滾水 Boiling water | 1/2 | 杯 cup |
冷水 Tap water | 1/3 | 杯 cup |
植物油 Vegetable oil | 2 | 大匙 Tbs |
鹽 Salt | 1/3 | 小匙 tsp |
做法 (Procedure)
1. | 將材料A麵粉篩過﹐所有材料拌勻後輕輕揉成無顆粒的麵團。不要揉太久導致麵粉出筋﹐做出的成品會不夠酥脆。 |
2. | 將麵團揉成一長條後切成食譜需要的數量。 |
3. | 將每塊麵團揉成圓球。蓋上保潔膜或濕紙巾保濕。 |
1. | Sift the flour in Ingredient A and mix it with 1/3 cup of clarified butter. Gently knead them into a smooth dough. Do not over-knead the dough to void the gluten becomes too elastic. |
2. | Roll the dough into a long tube. Divide it into the quantity that required by the recipe. |
3. | Form each dough into a ball. Cover the dough balls with a piece of plastic food wrap (or a damp paper towel) to keep them moisturized. |

4. | 將材料B麵粉,鹽和油放進盆中。 |
5. | 將熱水全部倒入﹐用筷子將熱水与麵粉攪拌成小粒狀。 |
6. | 手沾麵粉﹐慢慢加入冷水將麵糊揉成光滑的麵團,大約 10 分鐘。剛開始時的麵團很黏手,不好操作,要有耐心慢慢地揉。 |
7. | 將麵團整成光滑的圓球後﹐蓋上保潔膜或濕布醒40分鐘。 |
8. | 將麵團切成食譜需要的數量。 |
4. | Place the flour, oil and salt in Ingredients B in a mixing bowl. |
5. | Add the boiling water into the flour. Use a pair of chopsticks to mix the hot water with the flour. |
6. | Lightly flour your hand. Slowly add the cold water into the flour batter and knead it into a smooth dough, approximate 10 minutes. The dough is very sticky in the beginning. Be patient to knead the dough. |
7. | Shape the dough into a smooth ball. Cover it with a piece of plastic wrap or a damp cloth. Let it rest for 40 minutes. |
8. | Cut the dough into the required quantity required by the recipe. |

9. | 取一個材料B麵球擀成圓片。將材料A麵球一份放在該圓片上。把麵片從邊緣拉向中心包住A麵球再旋轉收緊。 |
9. | Roll each B dough into a flat disk. Place one A dough ball on one B dough disk. Lift the edge of the dough disk toward the center, pinch the dough and seal the opening. |

10. | 將包好的麵團封口向上用手略捏為長型﹐再擀成長片。擀時注意不要讓 A料漏出來。將該長片由短向捲起來。 |
11. | 輕壓捲起的麵團﹐再擀成長片。將該長片從短向捲起來﹐收口向下蓋上保潔膜醒 15分鐘即成。 |
10. | Lightly form each dough to a tube shape, seal side up. Roll each dough into a long oval flat piece. Be careful not to expose the dough A. Roll the dough from one end (narrow side) to the other. |
11. | Gently press the rolled dough. Roll each dough into a long flat strip. Roll each strip from one end (narrow side) to the other. Cover the dough with a piece of plastic wrap and rest for 15 minutes. |

最後更新 (Last Update): 12/04/2013
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