煎牛排 Pan-seared Steak

材料 Ingredients
牛排 Steak 1 片 ea
調味料 Seasoning些許 some
食用油 Cooking oil 些許 some


1.牛排擦乾後在兩面撒上適量的調味粉 (例如:鹽和胡椒,Lowry's 調味鹽,任何香料,任何乾香草..等等)。質地好的牛排一般只要撒上鹽和胡椒即可。放置在室溫下20分鐘。

1吋厚3 分鐘5分鐘8分鐘13分鐘
1-1/4吋厚5 分鐘7分鐘10分鐘15分鐘
1-3/4吋厚7 分鐘9分鐘12分鐘17分鐘


1.Dry the steak. Sprinkle with some seasoning such as salt & pepper, Lowry's seasoning salt, any spices, any dried herbs…etc. For good quality of steak, I prefer salt & black pepper only. Set the steak aside in room temperature for 20 minutes.
2.Preheat the oven to 450°F (235°C)。Spread some oil on both sides of the steak.
3.Heat a pan (prefer iron-cast pan) to very hot. Sear the steak in the dry pan for 2 minutes, do not move the steak. Turn the steak over and sear in high heat for another 2 minutes.
4.Place the pan with the steak in the oven. The cooking time is as following:

Steak ThicknessRare Medium RareMediumMedium Well
1" thick3 minutes5 minutes8 minutes13 minutes
1-1/4" thick5 minutes7 minutes10 minutes15 minutes
1-3/4" thick7 minutes9 minutes12 minutes17 minutes
Each extra ¼"Add 1 minuteAdd 1 minuteAdd 1 minuteAdd 1 minute

5.Transfer the steak to a heated plate and cover with a piece of foil. Let it sit for 5 minutes so the juice will be locked inside the steak.

最後更新 (Last Update): 01/22/2014
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