材料 Ingredients
1. | 紅蔥頭剝皮後切薄片。抱子甘藍洗乾淨後切掉頭部,剝去外層1-2葉後切成粗絲。胡蘿蔔洗乾淨,去皮後切成細絲。蘋果洗乾淨,去核後切成細絲。 |
2. | 炒鍋燒熱後加入2大匙橄欖油和紅蔥頭片和紅蘿蔔絲用中火炒香。再加入2大匙水,抱子甘藍和鹽繼續炒到抱子甘藍變軟。最後加入蘋果絲和蘋果醋翻炒1分鐘即可起鍋。 |

1. | Peel and slice the shallots. Rinse the Brussels sprouts and remove the tip of their stems. Take off couple outer leaves and cut them into strips. Peel and shred the carrot. Core and shred the apple. |
2. | Add the oil and shallot to a heated wok and cook in medium heat until aromatic. Place in the Brussels sprouts and 2 tbs. of water. Stir frequently until the Brussels sprouts are tender. Finally add the apple strips and cider vinegar and continue stirring for 1 minute. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 02/12/2014
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