材料 Ingredients
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1. | 烤箱預熱到400°F(205°C)。甜菜刷洗乾淨後擦乾。用錫箔紙包住甜菜,放進烤箱烤到叉子很容易插入的程度,約40分鐘。也可以放進電鍋或蒸籠蒸熟,約20分鐘。 等甜菜不燙時,將皮剝去,切成小塊。 |
2. | 準備好基本油醋汁。 |
3. | 西洋梨洗乾淨後擦乾。去蒂去核後切成与甜菜一樣大小。藍霉起司捏碎。羅勒葉洗乾淨,擦乾後撕成小塊。 |
4. | 將適量基本油醋汁与甜菜,西洋梨,胡桃和藍霉起司拌勻,再撒上羅勒葉即可。 |

1. | Preheat the oven to 400°F(205°C)。Scrub and dry the beets. Wrap each beet with a piece of foil. Bake until the beets are tender when pierced with a fork, approx 40 minutes. You also can steam the beets in a rice cooker or steamer, about 20 minutes. Wait until the beets cool down a little. Peel and cut them into small chunks. |
2. | Prepare the Basic Vinaigrette. |
3. | Wash and dry the pears. Remove the stems and cores. Cut the pears into the same size as the beets. Crumble the blue cheese. Wash and dry the basil leavers. Torn them into small pieces. |
4. | Combine proper amount of the Basice Vinaigrett with the beets, pears, walnut and blue cheese. Sprinke with the torn basil. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 03/25/2014
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