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1. | 蘆筍洗乾淨後擦乾。切去質地較老的底部後切成8cm小段。香菇用濕布擦乾淨後切成粗條。 |
2. | 將蘆筍和香菇加橄欖油在砧板上拌勻。 |
3. | 平底鍋燒到很熱後加入蘆筍和香菇。用中大火翻炒 3分鐘或到蘆筍熟了為止。 |
4. | 擠入半個檸檬汁和基本油醋汁拌勻即可。 |

1. | Wash and dry the asparagus. Cut off the tough bottom ends. Cut them into 3" segments. Clean the mushrooms with a damp cloth. Cut them into strips. |
2. | Mix the asparagus and mushrooms with the olive oil on the chopping board. |
3. | Heat the pan until very hot. Add the asparagus and mushrooms and stir-fry in medium-high heat for 3 minutes or until the asparagus reaches desired tenderness. |
4. | Squeeze in the juice from half a lemon. Add the Basic Vinaigrette and mix well. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 04/02/2014
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