材料 Ingredients
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1. | 將1/2小匙鹽,1/8小匙黑胡椒,紅燈籠辣椒粉, 1大匙橄欖油和小雞腿拌勻。加蓋後放進冰箱醃至少3個小時,最好過夜。 |
2. | 蝦子洗乾淨,抽去腸泥後擦乾。參考蛤蜊處理將蛤蜊和孔雀蛤清理乾淨。香腸切厚片。 |
3. | 將雞高湯在小鍋裡燒滾後熄火。加入番紅花,1/2小匙鹽和1/8小匙黑胡椒拌勻。開最小火,加蓋燜煮。 |
4. | 將4大匙油,小雞腿和香腸片放進燒熱的平底鍋裡用中大火將兩面煎到金黃,每面約4分鐘。將雞腿和香腸和蝦盛出備用。 |
5. | 原鍋加入洋蔥丁炒到洋蔥變透明。再加入紅椒丁,大蒜,1/4小匙鹽和1/8小匙炒香。 倒進白酒並用木杓將鍋底咖啡色的殘留物刮鬆。等到白酒剩下一半後放進米翻炒1分鐘。 |
6. | 加入小雞腿,香腸,冷凍青豆和溫熱的雞高湯拌勻。加蓋用中小火煮15分鐘。(註:如果沒有夠大的鍋蓋,則用錫箔紙替代) |
7. | 把蛤蜊,孔雀蛤和蝦均勻地鑲在飯裡。加蓋再煮15分鐘。鍋子離火,不要掀開蓋子讓飯繼續燜5分鐘。 |
8. | 除去蓋子。撒上巴西利葉末,將檸檬片鑲在飯裡。 |

1. | Mix the chicken drums with 1/2 tsp of salt, 1/8 tsp of black pepper, ground paprika and 1 tbs. of oil. Cover and marinate in the fridge for at least 3 hours, prefer overnight. |
2. | Rinse and devein the shrimps. Pat them dry with paper towels. Refer to Handle Clams to clean the clams and mussels. Cut the chorizo into thick slices. |
3. | Boil the chicken stock in a small pot. Turn off the heat and stir in the saffron, ½ tsp. of salt and 1/8 tsp. of black pepper. Turn on the heat to the lowest. Cover and simmer. |
4. | Place 4 tbs. of oil, the chicken drums and sausage slices in a heated paella pan. Pan-fry in medium high heat until golden brown on both sides, about 4 minutes each side. Transfer the chicken and sausages to a plate. |
5. | Add the diced onion to the same pan. Sauté until the onion is translucent. Stir in the diced red pepper, garlic, ¼ tsp. of oil and 1/8 tsp. of black pepper. Sauté until aromatic. Pour in the white wine and deglaze the pan (loose the brown bits on the bottom) with a wooden spoon. When the wine reduces to half, stir in the rice. Cooking for 1 minutes, stir consistently. |
6. | Stir in the chicken drums, sausages, frozen peas and warm chicken stock. Cover and cook in medium-low heat for 15 minutes. (Note: If you don't have a lid big enough to cover the pan, use a piece of foil instead.) |
7. | Uncover and evenly nestle the claims, mussels and shrimps into the rice. Cover and cook for 15 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat and let it rest covered for 5 minutes. |
8. | Remove the lid. Sprinkle with the minced parsley. Nestle the lemon wedges into the rice. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 04/22/2014
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