材料 Ingredients
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註: 鮮奶油可以用無糖煉乳替代。可隨各人喜好加入花枝,雞粒,肉片..等。
Note: The heavy cream can be substituted with unsweetened condense milk. You can add squid, diced chicken, sliced pork…etc. as desired.
1. | 炸油燒到350˚F(175˚C)。放進吐司用中火炸到兩面金黃。撈出吐司放在紙巾上吸取多餘的油。用小刀將吐司頂層 (四邊留0.6cm) 切下來作為蓋子。剩餘的吐司將內部麵包挖出作為盒子。 |
2. | 準備好法式牛油醬。 |
3. | 蝦用基本醃料在冰箱內醃5分鐘。 |
4. | 將蝦和1大匙油放進燒熱的炒鍋,用中大火炒到蝦7分熟。盛出蝦備用。 |
5. | 原鍋加入洋蔥和1大匙油炒香後放進洋菇片炒到洋菇片變軟。拌入冷凍蔬菜,鹽和白胡椒拌炒數下。 |
6. | 倒進法式牛油醬和鮮奶油与其它材料 拌勻。等醬汁燒滾後加入蝦仁繼續煮到蝦仁熟透。 |
7. | 吐司盒放置在盤上,將炒好的蝦仁餡料舀進盒內。再蓋上麵包蓋子。 |

1. | Heat the oil to 350˚F(175˚C)。Fry the bread slice in medium heat until golden brown on both sides. Transfer the fried bread onto paper towels to absorb the excessive oil. Use a small knife to cut off the top of the bread slice (leave 0.25" edges). Serve the top as a lid. Remove the spongy part of the remaining bread slice and serve it as a box. |
2. | Prepare the Velouté Sauce. |
3. | Marinate the shrimps with the Light Basic Marinade in the fridge for 5 minutes. |
4. | Add the shrimps and 1 tbs. of oil in a heated wok. Sauté until the shrimps are 70% done. Set the shrimps aside. |
5. | Place the diced onion and 1 tbs. of oil in the same wok. Sauté until aromatic. Add the mushroom slices. Sauté until the mushrooms are soft. Stir in the frozen vegetables, salt and white pepper. |
6. | Pour in the Velouté Sauce and heavy cream. When the sauce is boiling, add the shrimps and cook until they are cooked through. |
7. | Place the bread bowl on a plate. Ladle the shrimp mixture onto the bowl. Top with the bread lid. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 04/12/2014
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