材料 Ingredients
牛小里肌 Center cut beef tenderloin | 2-1/2 | 磅 lb |
鹽 Salt | 1 | 小匙 tsp |
黑胡椒 Ground black pepper | 1 | 小匙 tsp |
特級初榨橄欖油 Extra virgin oilive oil | 4 | 大匙 Tbs |
顆粒芥末醬 Grainly mustard | 2 | 大匙 Tbs |
帕爾瑪火腿薄片 Thin sliced prosciutto | 8 | 片 slice |
中筋麵粉 All-purpose flour | 4 | 大匙 Tbs |
油酥皮 Puff pastry | 1 | 盒 pack |
蛋 Egg | 2 | 個 ea |
食譜來源 Recipe Source:The Ultimate Beef Wellington (Tyler Florence)
1. | 洋菇用水快速沖洗乾淨後馬上擦乾。放進食物處理機內打成細丁。 |
2. | 將橄欖油,牛油,紅蔥頭,百里香和大蒜加入燒熱的鍋子裡炒香。再加入洋菇丁,1/3小匙鹽和1/4小匙黑胡椒用中火炒到水份都蒸發成膏狀。將炒好的餡料放置一旁待涼。 |
3. | 把牛肉用紙巾擦乾。均勻抹上4大匙橄欖油,1小匙鹽和1小匙黑胡椒。牛肉用棉線綁好定型,放置在室溫下20分鐘。 |
4. | 煎鍋燒到極熱(建議使用鐵鍋),乾鍋放進牛肉每面用大火煎2分鐘,包括兩頭。 |
5. | 將牛肉裝盤,剪掉棉線後並刷上芥末醬,每面都要刷到。 |
6. | 工作檯上鋪上一大張保潔膜(寬度要超過牛肉長度30公分。如果保潔膜不夠大,可兩張並排在一起。),將8片火腿重疊鋪在保潔膜中央成為一片足以包住牛肉的長方片。 |
7. | 用橡皮刀將洋菇餡均勻地抹在火腿片上。 |
8. | 將牛肉放在火腿靠身體1/3的地方。提起靠身體這邊的保潔膜蓋過牛肉到另一頭,用手壓緊包潔膜成圓筒型,再繼續捲到另一端。捲好後手稍微施力壓緊圓筒,兩端保潔膜轉緊定型。將牛肉放進冰箱至少30分鐘。 |
9. | 烤箱預熱到425˚F (215˚C)。 |
10. | 4大匙麵粉撒在工作檯上,再放上油酥皮。將兩片油酥皮並排,連結處捏緊再擀成0.6公分厚長方片。 |
11. | 從冰箱取出牛肉並除去保潔膜。牛肉放在油酥皮中央,用油酥皮把牛肉整個包住。切去多餘的油酥皮。剩下的油酥皮可以切成數個葉子形狀或長條做為裝飾用。 |
12. | 蛋打散後均勻刷在油酥皮上。用小刀在表面上斜劃數刀。擺上葉子或長條裝飾後再刷上蛋液。 |
13. | 牛肉放到烤盤內再放進烤箱烤到內部溫度達到130˚F (55˚C),大約45分鐘。烤時如果油酥皮顏色太快變成金黃色,蓋上一張錫箔紙。 |
14. | 從烤箱取出牛肉後至少等15分鐘後再切,以免肉汁流失。切片食用並佐以胡椒奶油醬。 |

1. | Quickly rinse the mushrooms and dry them immediately. Finely chop the mushrooms with a food processor. |
2. | Add the olive oil, butter, shallot, thyme and garlic in a heated pan. Sauté until aromatic. Stir in the mushroom, 1/3 tsp of salt and ¼ tsp of black pepper. Cook in medium heat until the liquid has evaporated. Stir consistently. Set the mushroom duxelles aside and let it cool down. |
3. | Dry the tenderloin with paper towels. Evenly spread 4 tbs of olive oil, 1 tsp of salt and 1 tsp of black pepper all over the tenderloin. Tie it with a piece of cotton thread in 4 places to hold its cylindrical shape. Let the tenderloin sit under room temperature for 20 minutes. |
4. | Heat a pan (prefer iron-cast pan) to very hot. Sear the tenderloin in the dry pan, 2 minutes for each side including tow ends. |
5. | Transfer the tenderloin to a plate and remove the cotton thread. Brush the mustard all over the beef. |
6. | Lay a large piece of plastic food wrap on the counter (The width of the plastic wrap needs to be 1 foot longer than the length of the tenderloin. If the plastic wrap is not long enough, overlap two pieces plastic wrap). Shingle 8 slices of prosciutto on the center of the plastic wrap to form a rectangle that can completely cover the tenderloin. |
7. | Use a rubber spatula to evenly spread the mushrooms duxelles all over the prosciutto sheet. |
8. | Place the tenderloin at around 1/3 of the plastic wrap from the side closest to you. Lift the end (the one closest to your body) of the plastic wrap over the tenderloin to the other side. Press the plastic wrap tightly to form a tube, then roll the tube to the other end. Twist two ends to seal it completely. Store the tenderloin in the fridge for at least 30 minutes. |
9. | Preheat the oven to 425˚F (215˚C). |
10. | Lightly flour the counter surface. Overlap two sheets of puff pastry and pinch the seam tightly. Roll the pastry out to a ¼" thickness. |
11. | Remove the beef from the fridge and cut off the plastic wrap. Wrap the beef with the puff pastry and trim the excessive part. You can cut the excessive pastry into small leaves and thin strips for garnish. |
12. | Beat the eggs. Brush the top of the pastry with egg wash. Using the tip of a small knife, make several slits on top of the pastry. Place the pastry leaves or strips and brush with egg wash. |
13. | Bake the tenderloin on a baking sheet until the inner temperature reaches 130˚F (55˚C), approx. 45 minutes. If the pastry turns golden brown too quickly, cover it with a piece of foil. |
14. | Remove the beef from the oven and let it sit for 15 minutes to lock the juice inside. Slice the beef to serve. Serve with Peppercorn Sauce. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 12/27/2014
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