材料 Ingredients
註﹕馬鈴薯,胡蘿蔔可用其它根莖蔬菜如南瓜,甜菜,蕪菁, 芹菜根…等取代。蘆筍可用四季豆,抱子甘藍菜取代。
Note:You can replace the potatoes and carrots with other root vegetables such as pumpkin, beets, turnip, celery root…etc.. The asparagus can be replaced with green beans or Russell's sprouts.
1. | 烤箱預熱到425˚F (215˚C)。 |
2. | 馬鈴薯洗乾淨後切成大塊。胡蘿蔔洗乾淨後削皮切成大塊。洋蔥去皮後切成大塊。蘆筍洗乾淨後切除質地較老的底部並對切成兩半。 |
3. | 把馬鈴薯,胡蘿蔔,洋蔥,大蒜,百里香,迷迭香与4大匙橄欖油,1小匙鹽和1/2小匙黑在烤盆裡拌勻後鋪平。放進烤箱烤20分鐘。中途需拿出攪拌一下。 |
4. | 另將蘆筍,1大匙橄欖油,1/4小匙鹽和1/4小匙黑胡椒在小盆裡拌勻。拿出烤盤並拌入蘆筍。放進烤箱再烤10分鐘。 |

1. | Preheat the oven to 425˚F (215˚C)。 |
2. | Brush the potatoes under running water. Rinse and peel the carrots. Peel the onion. Cut all three into big chunks. Rinse the asparagus. Cut off the tough bottom ends and then cut them in half. |
3. | Mix the potatoes, carrots, onion, garlic, thyme, rosemary, 4 tbs of olive oil, 1 tsp of salt and ½ tsp of black pepper on a baking sheet and spread them into one layer. Bake the vegetables for 20 minutes. Stir them once in the half way. |
4. | Mix the asparagus with 1 tbs of olive oil, ¼ tsp of salt and ¼ tsp of black pepper in a bowl. Remove the baking sheet from the oven and stir in the asparagus. Return to the oven and bake for another 10 minutes. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 12/26/2014
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