材料A Ingredients
材料 B Ingredients B
紅蘿蔔 (大) Caroot (large) | 2 | 根 ea |
黃馬鈴薯 Yukon Potato | 4 | 顆 ea |
洋蔥 Onion | 2 | 顆 ea |
特級初炸橄欖油 Extra virgin olive oil | 2 | 大匙 Tbs |
鹽 Salt | 1/2 | 小匙 tsp |
黑胡椒 Black pepper | 1/4 | 小匙 tbs |
新鮮百里香葉 Fresh thyme leaf | 6 | 小枝 sprig |
1. | 烤箱預熱到425°F (220°C)。 |
2. | 牛油放在室溫下軟化後與巴西利葉,百香里葉和蒜末拌勻。B材料中的馬鈴薯刷洗乾淨,紅蘿蔔洗乾淨後去皮,洋蔥也去皮。三者都切成大塊後拌進2大匙橄欖油,1/2小匙鹽和1/4小匙黑胡椒。 |
3. | 雞沖洗乾淨以後用紙巾擦乾,內外抹上1大匙鹽和1/2小匙黑胡椒。 |
4. | 將香草牛油塗抹在整隻雞以及雞皮下面可觸及的地方。 |
5. | 1顆檸檬對半切開後与半個洋蔥和一把百里香塞進雞肚內。 |
6. | 用一根棉線將兩條雞腿綁在一起,並將翅尖塞在雞身體下。 |
7. | 將雞放進烤盤,四週放置洋蔥,馬鈴薯,紅蘿蔔塊和百香里。 |
8. | 放進烤箱烤到雞腿最厚處的溫度達到165°F(75°C),大約一個小時。中途拿出烤盤,將洋蔥,馬鈴薯,紅蘿蔔塊与湯汁翻拌一下再放回烤箱。 |
9. | 烤好的雞移到砧板上,取出肚內的檸檬,洋蔥和百香里。等15分鐘後再切以免肉汁流失。 |

1. | Preheat the oven to 425°F (220°C). |
2. | Mix the room temperature butter with the minced parsley, thyme leaves and minced garlic. For the ingredients B, clean the potatoes, clean and peel the carrots, then peel the onions. Cut all three into big chunks. Mix them with 2 tbs. of olive oil, ½ tbs of salt and ¼ tsp of black pepper. |
3. | Rinse the chicken and pat it dry with paper towels. Season both inside and outside of the chicken with 1 tbs of salt and ½ tsp of black pepper. |
4. | Rub the herb butter all over and under the skin of the chicken. |
5. | Cut the lemon in half and stuff it with half onion and 1 bunch of thyme in the cavity of the chicken |
6. | Tie the chicken legs together with a piece of kitchen twine and tuck the wing tips under the body of the chicken. |
7. | Place the chicken in the center of a baking pan and surround it with the onions, potatoes, carrot and thyme sprigs. |
8. | Roast until the temperature of the thickest part of the thigh reaches 165°F(75°C), approx. 1 hour. Take out the roast pan in the half way. Stir the root vegetables and mix them with the juice on the pan. Return the pan to the oven and finish roasting. |
9. | Transfer the roasted chicken to a cutting board. Remove the stuffing from the cavity. Wait 15 minutes before you cut the chicken so the juice could be locked in the chicken body. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 08/19/2015
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