水波蛋 Poached Egg

材料 Ingredients
雞蛋 Egg 1 個 ea
水 Water2/3 鍋 pot

2.打開雞蛋倒進一個小碗內。水開了以後用筷子在再水裡劃大圈圈,造成一個旋渦。輕輕地將蛋滑進旋渦中心。用大火煮10秒後,轉小火煮2分鐘 ,此時蛋黃呈流動狀,如果要更熟就煮久一點。

1.Boil a 2/3-full pot of water.
2.Crack an egg into a ramekin. What the water is boiling, stir the water with chopsticks or a spoon to make a whirlpool. Gently tip the egg into the center of the whirlpool. Cook in high heat for 10 seconds then cook in low heat for 2 minutes. At this stage, the egg is medium. Cook longer if you want a harder egg.
3.Remove the egg with a strainer or slotted spoon. Drain onto a clean kitchen towel to remove the excessive water.

最後更新 (Last Update): 08/14/2015
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