1. | 將豬肚內的脂肪剪掉。 |
2. | 豬肚放在大盆內加2大匙麵粉和 3 大匙鹽。用力搓揉豬肚讓麵粉和豬肚上的黏液揉合在一起。將豬肚從裡往外翻同樣用麵粉繼續搓揉。 |
3. | 將豬肚用清水清洗乾淨。如果肚內還是有黏液﹐則重複步驟2完全沒有黏液。 |
4. | 燒開1/2鍋水後加入3片薑,1根蔥,3瓣大蒜和豬肚。等水再滾了以後,將浮在湯上的渣滓撇掉。加入2大匙米酒後轉小火加蓋煮30分鐘。 |
5. | 撈出豬肚用冷水沖涼後擦乾並放進冰箱冷藏。 |

1. | Cut off the fat out of the pork stomach. |
2. | Place the pork stomach, 2 tbs of flour and 3 tbs of salt in a big bowl. Vigorously rub the stomach with the flour and salt to make the mucus on the stomach blend into the flour. Turn the stomach inside out. Continue rubbing the flour with the stomach. |
3. | Wash the stomach under running water. If there is still mucus on the stomach, repeat step 2 until there is no mucus left. |
4 | Bring a half-full pot of water to a boil. Add 3 ginger slices, 1 scallion, 3 cloves of garlic and the pork stomach. When the water is boiling again, skim off the foam at the surface of the soup. Add 2 tbs of rice wine, turn the heat to low, cover and cook for 30 minutes. |
5. | Rinse the cooked pork stomach with cold water to cool it. Dry and store it in the fridge. |
最後更新 (Last Update):10/31/2015
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