材料 Ingredients
1. | 將2/3包吉利丁粉和芒果汁倒入一個可用在微波爐的容器中並攪勻。放到一旁靜置10分鐘。芒果丁用果汁機打成泥狀。等10分鐘過後,將芒果汁放進微波爐微1分鐘。 |
2. | 將果泥加入到芒果汁中並拌勻。 |
3. | 把甜點杯呈45度斜放在馬芬蛋糕烤盤內。再將芒果料平均倒到8個甜點杯內,大約每個甜點杯裝1/4杯芒果料。放進冰箱冷藏至少4個小時或直到完全凝固。 |
4. | 將1-1/3包吉利丁粉和一杯對半奶油倒入一個小鍋內並攪勻,讓其靜置10分鐘。 |
5. | 加入1/3杯糖到鍋裡,用小火煮到吉利丁和糖完全溶化。熄火再倒入剩餘的2杯對半奶油並拌勻。 |
6. | 將對半奶油等量倒入之前的甜點杯內,每個甜點杯大約裝7大匙。。放進冰箱冷藏到完全凝固。 |

1. | Add 2/3 packet of gelatin and 1 cup of mango nectar into a microwave safe bowl and stir to combine. Let it sit for 10 minutes. Puree the cubed mango with a blender. After 10 minutes, microwave the mango nectar for 1 minute. |
2. | Add the mango puree into the mango nectar. Stir to combine. |
3. | Diagonally (45°) place the desert cups on a muffin pan. Pour the mango mixture into each glass, approx ¼ cup per glass. Store the cups in the fridge for 4 hours or until the mixture is solid. |
4. | Place 1-1/3 packet of gelatin and 1 cup of half-and-half cream in a small sauce pan. Stir to combine and let it sit for 10 minutes. |
5. | Add 1/3 cup of sugar to the sauce pan. Cook over low heat until the sugar and gelatin are dissolved. Turn the heat off. Add the rest of cream and stir to combine. |
6. | Pour the cream mixture into the dessert cups, approx 7 tbs per cup. Store the cups in the fridge for 4 hours or until the mixture is solid. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 10/23/2015
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