海鮮粥 Seafood Porridge

材料 Ingredients
大蝦 Prawn8 尾 ea
中卷 Squid1/2 隻 ea
蛤蜊 Clam20 個 ea
小生蠔 Pearl oyster 16 個 ea
竹筍 Bamboo shoot 1 個 ea
白飯 Cooked rice 3 杯 cup
無鹽雞高湯 Unsalted chicken stock 7 杯 cup
食用油 Cooking oil2 大匙 Tbs
薑絲 Finely julienned ginger 2 大匙 Tbs
米酒 Rice wine 1 大匙 Tbs
鹽 Salt1/2+1/2 小匙 tsp
白胡椒粉 Ground white pepper1/2 小匙 tsp
油蔥酥 Fried Shallot 1/4 杯 cup
芹菜丁 Diced celery 1 /4 杯 cup
Note: If using store-bought chicken stock, replace the 7 cups of chicken stock with 2 cups of store-bought chicken stock plus 5 cups of water.

2.將雞高湯放進鍋裡煮滾後加入白飯攪動讓飯粒鬆散。等湯再度滾了以後撇去浮在湯上的泡沫,加入1/2小匙鹽繼續用小火煮8分鐘 (如果喜歡爛一點的口感就煮久一點)。

1.Rinse and drain the oysters.
Devein the prawns Wash them make sure that all the mucus on the body are gone. Thoroughly dry the shrimps with paper towel. Clean the squid then cut the body crosswise into small rings. Separate the tentacles by cutting them apart. Clean the clams then soak them in water. Peel and cut the bamboo shoot into thin strips.
2.Boil the chicken stock in a pot. Add the cooked rice and stir until all the rice kernels are loosed. While the soup is boiling again, skim off the foams at the surface of the soup. Add ½ tsp of salt then cook over low heat for 8 minutes (Cook longer if you like a softer texture.).
3.Add the oil and ginger to a heated wok and sauté until aromatic. Place in the prawns, squid, clams, bamboo shoot, wine, ½ tsp of salt and white pepper then sauté for another minute.
4.Transfer the mixture in step 3 and the oysters to the pot and cook for another 2 minutes, stir occasionally. Turn off the heat then mix in the celery and fried shallot.

最後更新 (Last Update): 12/09/2015
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