1. | 用2大匙牛油平均地抹到6個模子的內部。然後每個模子內倒入1小匙糖,旋轉模子讓模子內部均勻沾覆到糖,再把多餘的糖倒出。烤箱預熱到390°F(200°C)。 |
2. | 將隔水蒸鍋(double boiler)的下鍋裝滿一半水燒滾後轉成小火。將牛油在上鍋裡用中火煮化後加入麵粉拌勻,再慢慢加入對半奶油煮到成糊狀沒有麵粉顆粒。然後架在裝滾水的下鍋上,鍋底不要碰到滾水。開著小火,把巧克力和咖啡粉加入奶油糊中,不斷攪拌到巧克力完全溶化並變成濃稠光亮。 |
3. | 鍋子離火。加入蛋黃和香草精拌勻後放置一旁備用。 |
4. | 把蛋白放進一個乾淨未沾到油脂或水的盆裡,用中低速打成泡沫狀,再慢慢加入4大匙糖用高速打成硬性發泡。 |
5. | 舀1/3蛋白霜進巧克力麵糊用橡皮刀拌勻。再將巧克力麵糊倒進蛋白糊盆裡,從盆邊由下往上輕輕翻拌直到蛋白霜与巧克力麵糊充分混合。切忌過度攪拌。把巧克力麵糊平均倒入6個模具後在檯面上敲幾下敲出氣泡。用大拇指沿著每個模具邊緣劃一圈。 |
6. | 模具裝在烤盤上進烤箱中層烤約16分鐘,中途不要打開烤箱門。撒上些糖粉趁熱食用,舒芙蕾一離開烤箱就開始消氣下塌。 |

1. | Lightly butter inside of six 4 oz. ramekins (need approx. 2 tbs. of butter) and coat with sugar (1 tsp for each ramekin). Tap out excessive sugar. Preheat the oven to 390°F(200°C). |
2. | Bring the water in the bottom pot of a double boiler to a boil then simmer. Melt the butter over medium heat in the upper pot. Add the flour and mix until combined. Gradually add the half-and-half and whisk consistently until the mixture is smooth. Place the upper pot over the bottom one, do not touch the water. Keep the heat in low. Add the chocolate chips and coffee powder. Vigorously stir until the chocolate melts and sauce is thick and shiny. |
3. | Remove the upper pot from the heat. Add the egg yolks and vanilla extract and stir to combine. Set it aside. |
4. | Place the egg whites in a clean bowl and whisk in medium-low speed until foamy. Gradually add 4 tbs. of sugar and beat in high speed until stiff peaks form. |
5. | Add1/3 of the meringue to the chocolate sauce and mix with a rubber spatula. Then pour the chocolate sauce into the Meringue. Gently fold the mixture in a down-cross-up-and-over motion until the meringue and chocolate sauce are well blended. Do not over-mix. Evenly pour the mixture into the molds. Knock them on the counter several times to get rid of the air bubbles. Trace along the edge of each ramekin with your thumb. |
6. | Place the molds on a backing pan and bake on the middle rack for approx. 16 minutes. Do not open the oven door during baking. Dust with confectioner's sugar and serve immediately. The soufflé starts to deflate after removing from the oven. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 01/01/2016
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