材料 Ingredients
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1. | 雞肉切成2.5cm小塊後撒上1/2大匙凱郡醃料拌勻。蝦子剝可後用水沖洗﹐確定所有的黏液都沖洗掉。用紙巾將蝦擦得非常乾後撒上1/2大匙凱郡醃料拌勻。香腸切1.5cm厚片。 |
2. | 湯鍋燒熱後加入1/4杯油。分批將蝦,香腸和雞肉放進燒熱的平底鍋裡用中大火將兩面煎到金黃,每面約2分鐘。盛出備用。 |
3. | 原鍋加入洋蔥丁炒到洋蔥變透明。再加入番茄,青椒丁,芹菜丁,番茄膏,大蒜末,1大匙凱郡醃料,1/3小匙鹽和1/4小匙黑胡椒炒1分鐘。 倒進白酒並用木杓將鍋底咖啡色的殘留物刮鬆。等到白酒剩下一半後放進米翻炒1分鐘。 |
4. | 加入雞肉,香腸,月桂葉,辣醬油,碎紅辣椒和雞高湯拌勻。加蓋用小火煮25分鐘,請依照米的種類自行調整時間和高湯份量。熄火,把蝦拌入,蓋上蓋子讓飯繼續燜5分鐘。(註:此步驟可以用電鍋完成。當飯煮好後,拌入蝦子加蓋用餘溫燜熟。) |
5. | 除去蓋子。撒進蔥粒拌勻。 |

1. | Cut the chicken into 1" cubes and marinate with ½ tbs. of Cajun Rub. > Rinse and devein the shrimps. Pat them dry with paper towels then marinate with ½ tbs. of Cajun Rub. Cut the sausage into 2/3" thick slices. |
2. | Add ¼ cup of canola oil in a heated pot. Brown the prawns, chicken and sausage respectively. Set them aside. |
3. | Add the diced onion to the same pot and sauté until translucent. Stir in the tomato, green pepper, celery, tomato paste, garlic, 1 tbs. of Cajun rub, 1/3 tsp. of salt and ¼ tsp. of black pepper and sauté for 1 minute. Pour in the white wine and deglaze the pan (loose the brown bits on the bottom) with a wooden spoon. When the wine reduces to half, stir in the rice. Cooking for 1 minute, stir consistently. |
4. | Add the chicken, sausage, bay leaves, Worcestershire sauce, chili pepper flakes and chicken stock. Cover and cook over medium-low heat for 25 minutes. Please adjust the cooking time and stock according to the rice type. Uncover and stir in the prawns. Turn off the heat. Cover and let it sit for another 5 minutes. (Note: This step can be done in a rice cooker. When the rice is done, stir in the prawns. Cover and let it sit for 5 minutes.) |
5. | Remove the lid and stir in the diced scallion. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 01/26/2015
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