藍莓慕思 Blueberry Mousse

材料 Ingredients
無味吉利丁粉 Unflavored gelatin 4 小匙 tsp
石榴藍莓果汁 Pomegranate-blueberry juice 1-1/2 杯 Cup
藍莓 Blueberry 1 杯 cup
蛋黃 Egg yolk3 個 ea
白糖 Granulated sugar4+4 大匙 Tbs
水 Water2 大匙 Tbs
蛋白 Egg white3 個 ea
檸檬汁 Lemon juice1 小匙 tsp
鮮奶油 Heavy cream1 杯 cup

2.將蛋黃和4大匙糖放進小鍋打勻,再加入藍莓泥和剩餘的果汁用中火煮到溫度達到170°F(75°C)時熄火,並將鍋子移開爐頭。煮時要不斷攪動。加入(1)項的吉利丁粉並攪拌到吉利丁溶化。 放置一旁備用。

1.Puree the blueberries in a blender then strain through a sieve. Bloom the gelatin powders with 4 tbs. of the juice in a bowl. Let is sit for 10 minutes.
2.Beat the egg yolks and 4 tbs. of sugar in a sauce pot. Add the blueberry puree and remaining juice and cook over medium heat until the temperature reaches 170°F(75°C), stir consistently. Remove the pot from the heat. Add the gelatin and stir until the gelatin is dissolved completely. Set it aside to cool down.
3.Prepare "Italian Meringue"
4.Whip the cream to medium peak, approx. 10 minutes.
5.Gently mix the whipped cream with the blueberry mixture. Then gently fold in the Italian meringue until combine.
6.Store in the fridge. It takes at least 2 hours to set.

最後更新 (Last Update): 02/17/2016
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