材料 Ingredients
1. | 藍莓放進果汁機打成泥狀後用濾網濾去果皮。將4小匙吉利丁粉和4大匙水果汁倒入一個小碗裡拌勻,放到一旁靜置10分鐘。 |
2. | 將蛋黃和4大匙糖放進小鍋打勻,再加入藍莓泥和剩餘的果汁用中火煮到溫度達到170°F(75°C)時熄火,並將鍋子移開爐頭。煮時要不斷攪動。加入(1)項的吉利丁粉並攪拌到吉利丁溶化。 放置一旁備用。 |
3. | 準備"義大利蛋白霜"。 |
4. | 把鮮奶油打到中性發泡,大約10分鐘。 |
5. | 輕輕地將鮮奶油和藍莓餡拌勻。然後加入蛋白霜輕輕攪拌到蛋白霜与藍莓你充分混合。 |
6. | 放進冰箱直到凝固,至少要2個小時。 |

1. | Puree the blueberries in a blender then strain through a sieve. Bloom the gelatin powders with 4 tbs. of the juice in a bowl. Let is sit for 10 minutes. |
2. | Beat the egg yolks and 4 tbs. of sugar in a sauce pot. Add the blueberry puree and remaining juice and cook over medium heat until the temperature reaches 170°F(75°C), stir consistently. Remove the pot from the heat. Add the gelatin and stir until the gelatin is dissolved completely. Set it aside to cool down. |
3. | Prepare "Italian Meringue"。 |
4. | Whip the cream to medium peak, approx. 10 minutes. |
5. | Gently mix the whipped cream with the blueberry mixture. Then gently fold in the Italian meringue until combine. |
6. | Store in the fridge. It takes at least 2 hours to set. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 02/17/2016
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