材料 Ingredients
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1. | 將蝦用水沖洗後抽掉砂腸﹐確定所有的黏液都沖洗掉。每隻蝦橫切成兩片。再用紙巾包住吸乾所有水份後放進冰庫冰到半冷凍狀態。 |
2. | 肥絞肉放進滾水內燙1分鐘以去除肉臊味。用濾网撈出後用冷水沖涼濾乾。 |
3. | 將蝦,肥絞肉,魚漿,香菜,蔥粒和和絞肉醃料(淡) 放進攪拌機。機器裝上槳狀腳,用中速打到所有材料充分混合並呈黏稠狀。如果沒有攪拌機,將所有材料放在大盆中,用多雙筷子用力攪拌。 |
4. | 取1/10蝦泥整型成球狀再壓扁成餅裝,然後沾滿麵包粉。依樣將剩餘蝦泥做好。 |
5. | 油燒熱到300˚F(150˚C)。放進蝦餅用中小火炸到餅浮上來並呈金黃色,大約4分鐘。炸好的蝦餅放到紙巾上吸去過多的油。 |

1. | Rinse and devein the shrimps. Cut each shrimp horizontally in half. Thoroughly dry them with paper towels the store them in the freezer until semi-frozen. |
2. | Blanch the ground pork fat in boiling water for 1 minute to remove unpleasant smell. Take out the ground fat with a strainer. Rinse the fat with cold water then drain. |
3. | Install a flat beater attachment to the mixer. Place the shrimps, ground fat, fish paste, cilantro, scallion and Ground Meat Marinade (Light) in the mixing bowl. Mix over medium speed until all the ingredients are combined and become paste like. If you don't have a mixer, use several chopsticks to stir the mixture vigorously. |
4. | Form 1/10 of the shrimp paste into a ball then gently press it into a cake. Cover the cake with panko. Repeat this step for the remaining shrimp paste. |
5. | Heat the oil to 300˚F(150˚C)。Fry the shrimp cakes over medium low heat until the cakes float above the oil and become golden brown. Transfer the fried shrimp cakes onto paper towels to absorb the excessive oil. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 02/28/2016
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