材料 Ingredients
1. | 若是用冷凍油酥皮需先解凍。馬芬烤盤內抹些牛油。 |
2. | 蘋果對半切開後去蒂去核。切成非常薄的薄片後与檸檬汁和水在碗裡拌勻。 |
3. | 工作檯上撒些麵粉,將酥皮從長向切6條等寬長條,每條再擀成5cm x 45cm長條。 |
4. | 烤箱加熱到375°F(190°C)。 |
5. | 每條麵皮上抹上1大匙奶油起司,撒上1/2大匙糖,再撒上1/2小匙肉桂粉。將蘋果片重疊鋪在麵皮邊緣,蘋果片的一半是在麵皮外。長向對折麵皮(一半的蘋果片會露在外面),再由短向捲起來放進馬芬烤盤裡。 |
6. | 放進烤箱中層烤45分鐘,第30分鐘時蓋上一張錫箔紙以防蘋果烤的過焦。 |
7. | 裝盤後撒上糖粉即可。 |

1. | If using frozen pastry, defrost it first. Grease inside of the muffin pan with butter. |
2. | Cut each apple in half and remove the core and stem. Cut each half into paper thin slices. Mix the apple slices with lemon juice and water in a bowl. |
3. | Flour the counter. Cut the puff pastry lengthwise into 6 equal strips. Roll out each strip into a 2"x18" strip. |
4. | Preheat the oven to 375°F(190°C). |
5. | Spread 1tbs. of cream cheese on one dough strip, then sprinkle with 1/2 tbs. of sugar and 1/2 tsp. of cinnamon powder. Overlap the apple slices along the long edge of the strip (half of them are outside of the dough). Fold the dough strip lengthwise in half to cover half of the apple slices then roll it crosswise into a coil. Place the tart in a muffin cup. Repeat this step for the rest of dough and filling. |
6. | Bake on the middle rack for 30 minutes then cover the pan with a piece of foil. Continue to bake for another 15 minutes. |
7. | Plate the tarts and sprinkle with confectioner's sugar. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 03/26/2016
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