材料A Ingredients
材料 B Ingredients B
黑洋菇 Cremini mushroom | 15 | 顆 ea |
新鮮香菇 Fresh shitake mushroom | 7 | 顆 ea |
冷凍珍珠洋蔥 Frozen pearl onion | 1/2 | 磅 lb |
牛油 Butter | 4 | 大匙 Tbs |
干邑白蘭地 Cognac | 1/4 | 杯 cup |
1. | 培根切成1"(2.5cm)小塊。雞沖洗乾淨後擦乾,依照卸全雞 方法切成16塊。每塊雞塊沾上薄薄一層麵粉,抖掉多餘的麵粉。洋菇和香菇洗乾淨,馬上擦乾後去除硬蒂。大朵的則對切。將扁葉巴西利葉子部份切碎,莖部与月桂葉和百里香用棉線綁好。 |
2. | 燉鍋燒熱後加入橄欖油和培根,用中大火煎到培根酥脆。撈出培根放置一旁,逼出的油留在鍋裡。 |
3. | 原鍋放進雞塊用中火將每面都煎到金黃。雞塊可分批煎,不要重疊,一次只放一層。取出雞塊放進盤裡。 |
4. | 加入洋蔥丁和紅蘿蔔丁炒到洋蔥變透明。 |
5. | 加入1杯雞塊高湯並用木杓將鍋底咖啡色的殘留物刮鬆,再放進大蒜末,培根渣,番茄膏和剩餘的麵粉拌勻。倒入紅酒後略微攪拌一下。最後加入1小匙鹽,1/2小匙黑胡椒,和香菜束 (月桂葉,百里香和巴西利)。湯汁必須蓋過雞塊,如果不夠則補加紅酒。 |
6. | 等湯汁煮滾後,加蓋用小火煮30分鐘。拿開蓋子,繼續煮30 30分鐘。中途要攪動一下以免沾底。 |
7. | 另一個炒鍋加熱後放進材料B中的牛油。等牛油融化後,加入洋菇和香菇用中火炒2分鐘,要不時攪動。 |
8. | 取出香菜束丟掉。將洋菇,香菇,珍珠洋蔥和白蘭地倒進雞塊鍋裡。拌勻後用中火繼續煮到醬汁變濃稠,要不時攪動。裝盤後撒上碎巴西利葉。 |

1. | Cut the bacon into 1" (2.5cm) pieces. Rinse the chicken and pat it dry with paper towels. Refer to "Dismental a chicken" to cut the whole chicken into 16 pieces. Coat each piece with a thin layer of flour. Rinse the mushrooms and dry them with paper towels immediately. Cut off the wooden stem. Cut the large ones in half. Mince the parsley leaves. Tie the remaining parsley stems, bay leave and thyme with a piece of kitchen twine. |
2. | Add 2 tbs of olive oil in a heated Dutch oven. Place in the bacon and sauté in medium-high heat until the bacon is crispy. Set the bacon aside and leave the oil in the pot. |
3. | Brown the chicken in the same pot over medium heat until all sides of the chicken pieces are golden brown - working in batches, do not overlay the chicken. Transfer the chicken to a plate. |
4. | Add the diced onion and carrot to the pot. Sauté until both are tender. |
5. | Pour in the chicken stock and deglaze (loose the brown bits on the bottom) the pot with a wooden spoon. Mix in the minced garlic, bacon bits, tomato paste, and the remaining flour. Add the red wind and stir to combine. Finally place in 1 tsp of salt, ½ tsp of black pepper and the herb bouquet (bay leaf, thyme & parsley). The wine must be over the chicken. Add more red wine if necessary. |
6. | After the sauce is boiling, turn the heat to low. Cover and cook for 30 minutes. Uncover and continue to cook for another 30 minutes. Stir occasionally. |
7. | Add the butter to a sauce pan. After the butter is melt, add the mushrooms and sauté for 2 minutes. Stir consistently. |
8. | Remove the herb bouquet. Transfer the mushrooms pearl onions into the chicken stew. Add the brandy. Continue to cook until the sauce is reduced and thick, stir occasionally. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 12/25/2016
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