材料 Ingredients
1. | 將鹽漬鯖魚放在水龍頭下略微沖洗後擦乾。把魚頭切掉,魚身切成4片。青蔥切成5cm小段,薑切成細絲,香菜略切。 |
2. | 將魚片放進深盤裡,再鋪上蔥段和薑絲,最後淋上酒。 |
3. | 蒸籠裝水煮滾後,放進盤子用大火蒸20分鐘。取出後撒上香菜。 |

1. | Rinse and dry the salted mackerel. Remove the head and cut the body into 4 pieces. Cut the scallion into 2" segments, finely julienne the ginger and roughly chop the cilantro. |
2. | Place the fish in a deep dish and top with scaiilon and ginger. Fill the dish with sake. |
3. | Bring the water in a steamer to a boil. Steam the fish over high heat for 20 minutes. Sprinkle the dish with cilantro. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 09/13/2017
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