1. | 雞取出內臟後,用水沖洗乾淨。 |
2. | 順著雞尾部到雞脖子,用剪刀沿著雞背骨一側剪開,再將另一側也剪開取出雞背骨。保留雞背骨熬製高湯用。 |
3. | 雞皮面向下,從雞翅中間的骨頭切下 (不要切斷),再用手掰開。 |
4. | 將雞翻轉過來,用手掌將雞壓平。 |
5. | 用紙巾將雞擦乾。。 |

1. | Remove the giblets from the chicken and rinse the chicken. |
2. | Scissor down each side of the back bone from the cavity opening up to the neck. Reserve the backbone for stock. |
3. | With the chicken skin-side-down, slit the bone between the wings (do not cut through) then open the chicken with your hands. |
4. | Turn the chicken over. Use your palm to press down the chicken and make it flat. |
5. | Pat dry the chicken with paper towels. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 11/23/2017
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