薑汁肉片 Ginger Flavored Pork Slices

材料 Ingredients
小里肌肉 Pork Tenderloin 1 磅 lb
薑汁醃料 Ginger marinade 2 份 portion
細地瓜粉 Fine yam starch1/2 杯 cup
食用油Cooking oil 4 大匙 Tbs

4.醃好的豬肉裹上薄薄一層地瓜粉, 注意要將粉捏緊。裹好粉的肉片放在一旁等約5分鐘讓其反潮 。(也就是讓豬肉汁液稍微潤濕裹粉,這樣炸時裹粉比較不會掉。)

1.Cut the pork tenderloin into 0.45" thick slices
2.Prepare the Ginger Marinade.
3.Marinate the pork with the Ginger Marinade for 30 minutes.
4.Coat the marinated pork with a thin layer of yam starch. Tightly squeeze each piece to make sure it is firmly coated with yam starch. Set the pork aside. Wait for 5 minutes to allow the pork to release juices that will moisturize the coating. By doing so, the coating will stay in place when you pan-fry the chicken.
5.Add 2 Tbs of oil to a heated non-stick pan. Add 1/2 of the pork slices and pan-fry over medium heat until golden brown on both sides. Transfer the cooked pork onto paper towels to absorb the excess oil. Repeat this step for the rest of pork.

最後更新 (Last Update): 12/16/2017
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