材料 Ingredients
1. | 將粉糰等分成16份﹐各搓成圓球狀。 |
2. | 將豆沙餡等分成 16份﹐各搓成圓球狀。 |
3. | 把一小球粉糰壓成一個碗狀,放入一份豆沙餡後用食指和大拇指慢慢旋轉粉糰,讓粉糰收口包住豆沙餡。最後捏緊收口再搓圓。剩餘的粉糰和豆沙餡依樣包好。 |
4. | 每個圓球沾上水後裹上白芝麻粉,再搓幾下將芝麻壓入麵糰裡。 |
5. | 將炸油倒入小鍋加熱到250˚F(120˚C)。轉成小火後放進芝麻球。炸5分鐘,當中不要移動芝麻球。 |
6. | 計時器設定8分鐘。用筷子稍微撥動芝麻球,等到芝麻球開始滾動時用筷子輕輕地擠壓每個芝麻球3-4次,當中要不時地撥動芝麻球。在最後1-1/2分鐘時開大火炸到金黃。撈出芝麻球放在餐巾紙上吸去過多的油。趁熱食用。 |

1. | Divide the glutinous rice ball dough into 16 pieces. Roll each to a ball. |
2. | Divide the red bean filling into 16 portions. Roll each to a ball. |
3. | Press the center of a dough ball to form a bowl shape. Place one portion of red bean filling in the center of the dough. Use your thumb and index finger to roll the dough ball around. The dough will gradually cover the filling. Pinch the center tight to seal the opening. Roll the ball between your palms to make it smooth. Repeat this step for the rest of the rest of the dough and filling. |
4. | Dip each ball into water then cover with white sesame seeds. Roll each ball several times to make sure that the sesame seeds are embedded into the dough. |
5. | Heat the oil in a small pot to 250˚F(120˚C)。Turn the heat to low and place in the sesame balls. Deep fry for 5 minutes – do not move the balls. |
6. | Set the timers for 8 minutes. Use chopsticks to flop the balls constantly. When the balls are rolling in the oil, gently press each ball 3-4 times. At the last 1-1/2 minutes, turn the heat to high and make the balls golden brown. Transfer the sesame balls onto paper towels to absorb the excessive oil. Serve the dish hot. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 05/31/2018
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