材料 Ingredients
1. | 橄欖油和牛油在鍋裡用中火融化後加入洋蔥炒2分鐘,再加入青椒,西洋芹,蒜末,1/3小匙鹽和1/4小匙黑胡椒用中火炒2分鐘。 |
2. | 加入麵粉和蕃茄膏翻炒1分鐘。再放進蕃茄丁(連汁),雞高湯,月桂葉,凱郡醃料,辣醬油,紅辣醬和1/2小匙鹽煮滾。轉中小火,繼續煮到醬汁變濃稠大約20分鐘,要不時攪拌。 |
3. | 放進蝦拌勻後煮1分鐘。熄火,繼續用餘溫將蝦燜熟,大約再1分鐘。。 |
4. | 起鍋前拌入蔥粒和碎巴西里葉。食用時佐以白飯。 |

1. | Melt the butter with olive oil in a pot. Add the onion and sauté over medium heat for 2 minutes. Add green bell pepper, celery, garlic 1/3 salt and 1/4 tsp. of black pepper and sauté for another 2 minutes. |
2. | Add the flour and tomato paste and stir for 1 minute. Add the diced tomato with juice, chicken stock, bay leaf, Cajun rub, Worcestershire sauce and hot sauce and bring the mixture to a boil. Turn the heat down to medium-low and continue to cook until the sauce is thick, approx. 20 minutes - stir frequently. |
3. | Stir in the shrimps and cook for 1 minute. Turn the heat off. Use the remaining temperature of the sauce to cook the shrimps until they are done, approx. another minute. |
4. | Mix in the scallion and parsley. Serve the dish with cooked rice. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 07/30/2018
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