材料 Ingredients
1. | 芋頭切成1cm厚片放進電鍋或蒸籠裡蒸軟,叉子很容易插進去的程度,約30分鐘。 |
2. | 炒鍋燒熱後加入2大匙油,香菇和蒜末炒香,再加入雞肉丁,蝦仁,醬油膏,五香粉和,白胡椒粉用中火翻炒到雞肉變熟。1小匙芡粉和2小匙水在小碗裡調好後倒入鍋裡,繼續炒到餡料變成黏稠。最後拌入蔥花。做好的餡料放進冰箱冷藏。 |
3. | 芋頭蒸好後,用叉子將其壓碎。 |
4. | 澄粉放進攪拌盆裡,注入滾水,迅速用筷子攪拌成透明的粉團。 |
5. | 手戴手套防熱。將芋頭,小蘇打粉,鹽,糖和牛油加入盆裡後慢慢揉成柔軟光滑的粉團。丟棄大粒無法壓碎的芋頭。 將芋頭粉團用保潔膜包好放進冰箱冷藏至少30分鐘。 |
6. | 將芋頭粉團分成12份後搓成圓球,每份大約40g。取一圓球放置於兩張保潔膜之間,再用不鏽鋼量杯壓成10cm直徑的圓片。取約26克的餡料放在圓皮中心,將圓皮對折收口包住餡料,再整成橄欖球型。重複此步驟將剩餘的粉團和餡料做完。 |
7. | 油燒到300˚F(150˚C)。放進芋角用中小火炸到表面呈金黃色並呈蜂巢狀。炸時芋角之間要有距離,一次不要炸太多。炸好的芋角放在餐巾紙上吸取過多的油。趁熱食用。 |

1. | Cut the taro into 1cm thick slices. Steam in a steamer or rice cooker until the taro is tender (a fork can easily poke through), approx. 30 minutes. |
2. | Add 2 tbs. of oil, shiitake mushroom and minced garlic in a heated pan and sauté until aromatic. Place in the chicken, shrimp, soy sauce paste, five spice powder and white pepper. Stir over medium heat until the chicken is cooked through. Mix 1 tsp. of corn starch and 2 tsp. of water in a small bowl. Add the starch-water to the pan and sauté until the mixture is sticky. Mix in the minced scallion and turn off the heat. Store the filling in a fridge. |
3. | Once the taro is done, use the back of a fork to mash the taro. |
4. | Place the wheat starch in a mixing bowl. Pour in the boiling water then use chopsticks to stir the mixture quickly until it becomes a translucent dough. |
5. | Wear a glove to prevent your hand from the heat. Add the taro, baking soda, salt, sugar and butter to the mixing bowl and knead the mixture into a smooth dough. Discard any taro that can't be mashed. Wrap the taro dough with a piece of plastic wrap and store in the fridge for at least 30 minutes. |
6. | Divide the dough into 12 pieces and roll each piece into a ball. Each ball weights approx. 40g. Place one ball in between two pieces of place wrap. Use a stainless steel measurement cup to press down the dough ball into a 10cm diameter round disk. Place approx. 26g filling on the center of the dough disk. Lift the edge of one side over the filling to the other side to form a half-moon shape. Pinch to seal the opening then form the dumpling into a football shape. Repeat this step for the rest of dough and filling. |
7. | Heat the frying oil to 300˚F(150˚C). Place in the taro dumplings and fry over medium-low heat until the surface is golden brown and honeycomb like. Do not crowd the taro dumplings while frying. Transfer the dumplings onto paper towels to absorb the excessive oil. Serve the dumplings immediately. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 08/22/2020
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