材料 Ingredients
1. | 牛雜(牛筋和牛肚)放進鍋裡,加冷水直到水覆蓋牛雜。用大火煮滾1分鐘後將水倒掉。將牛雜沖洗乾淨,然後切成大塊。 |
2. | 炒鍋燒熱後放進3大匙油,薑片,冰糖。用中小火翻炒到糖融化變成淺咖啡色。加入柱侯醬和牛雜拌炒到牛雜上色。 |
3. | 將牛雜移轉到壓力鍋內,倒入4杯水和八角。蓋上蓋子,等水滾後轉小火煮30分鐘。熄火。 |
4. | 白蘿蔔削皮後切成小塊。 |
4. | 等壓力鍋完全洩壓後,加入白蘿蔔,鹽和黑胡椒繼續用小火煮30分鐘或煮到白蘿蔔達到你喜歡的軟度。 |

1. | Place the beef offal (beef tendon and tripe) in a pot. Add water until the water covers the beef offal. Bring the water to a boil then cook for another minute. Drain the water then rinse the beef offal under running water. Cut the beef offal into chunks. |
2. | Add 3 tbs. of oil, ginger slices, rock sugar in a heated pan. Stir over medium low heat until the sugar is melt and light brown. Add the Chu-Hou sauce and beef offal and stir until the beef offal and sauce are combined. |
3. | Transfer the beef offal to a pressure cooker. Add 4 cups of water and the star anise. Cover and cook. After the water is boiling, cook over low heat for 30 minutes. Turn the heat off. |
4. | Peel the daikon and cut it into small chunks. |
4. | After the pressure is released, add the daikon, salt and black pepper to the pressure cooker. Cook over low heat without pressure for 30 minutes or until the daikon reaches desired tenderness. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 08/20/2020
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