韭黃香干雞絲 Stir-Fried Chicken with Bean Curd and Yellow Chive

材料 Ingredients
去骨去皮雞胸(切絲) Skinless boneless chicken breast (Cut thin strips)1/2 磅 lb (225g)
基本醃肉料(濃) Basic marinade (dark)1/2 份 portion
蠔油 Oyster sauce1/2 大匙 Tbs
韭黃(切4cm小段) Yellow chive (cut 1.5" segments)1/4 磅 lb (113g)
豆干(切片) Bean curd (sliced)1/2 磅 lb (225g)
大蒜(切片) Garlic (sliced)4 瓣 clove
老抽 Dark soy sauce1/2 大匙 Tbs
鹽 Salt1/3 小匙 tsp
白胡椒粉 White pepper1/4 小匙 tsp
沙拉油 Cooking oil2+1 大匙 Tbs



1. Marinate the chicken with the Basic Dark Marinade and 1/2 tbs. of oyster sauce for 15 minutes.
2.Mix the marinated chicken with 2 tbs. of oil and garlic slices. Place the chicken in a heated non-stick pan and sauté over medium low heat until it is 80% done. Set the chicken aside.
3.Add 1 tbs. oil, bean curd and 1/2 tbs. of dark soy sauce in the same pan. Sauté until the bean curd slices are lightly browned.
4.Add the chicken, yellow chives, salt and white pepper and quickly stir for 1 minute. Serve immediately.

最後更新 (Last Update): 10/20/2020
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