魚香茄子 Sautéed Eggplant in Spicy Garlic Sauce

材料 Ingredients
茄子 Chinese eggplant 2/3 磅 lb (300g)
絞肉 Ground pork 1/4 磅 lb (112g)
噴油 PAM oil 適量 some
魚香醬汁Spicy garlic sauce 1 份 portion

1.茄子洗乾淨切成 1cm 厚斜片。
3. 鍋子噴上一層油﹐鋪上茄子用小中火煎黃。再噴上一層油在茄子上﹐然後將茄子翻面繼續煎到茄子變軟。盛出茄子放在一旁。
4. 鍋子燒熱﹐加入魚香醬汁A料爆香﹐ 再加入絞肉炒散。

1.Wash the eggplants and cut them diagonally into 0.5" thick slices.
2.Get the Spicy Garlic sauce ready.
3. Coat the bottom of the pan with Pam oil. Pan-fry the eggplant slices in medium-low heat until light brown. Spray the PAM oil over the eggplant and turn each slice over. Continue pan-frying the eggplant slices until they are tender. Set the eggplant aside.
4. Heat the pan and add the Spicy Garlic sauce part A. Sauté until aromatic. Add the ground pork and stir-fry until the ground pork is loosen.
5.Add the Spicy Garlic sauce part B (reserve the bottom part with starch) and the eggplants. Sauté until the eggplants absorb the sauce. Mix in the reserved corn starch. Add a little a time until reaching desired thickness. You don't need to use up all the corn starch. Serve hot.

最後更新 (Last Update): 07/18/2013
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