Braised Lion's Head (Meatballs)
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1. | Place the ground pork, tofu, scallion, ginger and Ground Meat Marinade in a big bowl. Use several chopsticks to stir the mixture vigorously until all the liquid is absorbed. You can also use a mixer with flat beater to do so. |
2. | Set the air fryer to 375°(190°). Divide the ground meat mixture into 4 equal portions. Spray oil on your palms and use your hands to form each piece to a ball. Cook the meatballs in the air fryer until golden brown, approx. 20 minutes - turn the meatballs over in the midway. If not using an air fryer, you can deep-fry the meatballs in 375°(190°) oil until golden brown on outside, approx. 5 minutes. |
3. | Wash the Napa cabbage and reserve the largest 4 leaves. Cut the remaining cabbage into 12cm/5" squares. |
4. | Place 1 tbs. of oil and Napa cabbage pieces in a heated wok; sauté until they are soft. Put the sautéed cabbages on the bottom of the clay pot and top with the meatballs. |
5. | Add 3 cups of water, soy sauce and salt to the pot. Cover the meatballs with the 4 reserved cabbage leaves. Bring the water to a boil. |
6. | Turn the heat to low, cover and simmer for 30 minutes. |

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1. | 將絞肉,豆腐,蔥,薑和絞肉醃料放在大盆中,用多雙筷子用力攪拌到所有液體都被吸收。也可以放在攪拌機中用漿狀腳攪拌。 |
2. | 氣炸鍋設定在375°F(190°C)。將絞肉分成4份,雙手抹油將每份絞肉揉成丸子。把丸子放進氣炸鍋炸到金黃,大約20分鐘,中途要翻面。如果沒有氣炸鍋,用375°F(190°c)油將丸子外層炸酥後撈出,約5分鐘。 |
3. | 白菜洗乾淨保留最大片的四葉﹐剩餘的切成約 12cm/4.5" 方塊。 |
4. | 炒鍋燒熱後加入1大匙油和白菜塊,用中火炒到略軟。將白菜鋪在砂鍋底部,肉丸子放在白菜上。 |
5. | 注入三杯水後將四葉白菜蓋住肉丸,加入醬油和鹽調味,用大火將湯汁燒開。 |
6. | 將火轉成最小火加蓋燜煮30分鐘即可。 |

最後更新 (Last Update): 01/17/2021
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