材料 Ingredients
1. | 參考處理海帶 將海帶捲成小捲。豆乾略為沖洗一下。 |
2. | 將滷味醬汁準備好。 |
3. | 將滷味醬汁燒滾﹐加入豆乾和處理好的海帶繼續煮 5 分鐘。 |
4. | 熄火蓋上蓋子。讓豆乾和海帶浸在滷汁內至少 6 個小時或過夜使其入味。食用時豆乾切片﹐海帶切小段﹐撒上蔥花﹐香菜末和麻油。 |
5. | 滷過海帶和豆乾的滷汁不能再用。 |

1. | Refer to Handling Sea Kelp to make the kelp rolls. Wash the bean curds. |
2. | Prepare the Chinese Spice Stew Sauce. |
3. | Bring the Chinese Spice Stew Sauce to a boil. Add the bean curds and kelp rolls. Continue cooking for 5 minutes. |
4. | Turn off the heat. Cover and let the bean curds and kelp rolls soak in the sauce for at least 6 hours or overnight. Slice the bean curds and kelp rolls while serving. Sprinkle minced scallion, cilantro and sesame oil. |
5. | Discard the sauce. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 07/19/2013 :)
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