材料 Ingredients
1. | 番茄去籽去皮後切成大塊。豆腐也切塊。菠菜洗乾淨。若用整顆菠菜﹐則要切段。蔥洗乾淨切 5cm 小段。 |
2. | 湯鍋內加 1 大匙油燒熱。加入蔥段用中火煎黃。 |
3. | 加入高湯用大火燒滾後加入豆腐和番茄用中火煮 5 分鐘。 |
4. | 加鹽調味。 |
5. | 加入菠菜葉後馬上熄火。起鍋前加入麻油。 |

1. | Skin and seed the tomato. Cut it into big pieces. Cut the tofu into pieces. Wash the spinach leaves. If you use the whole spinach, cut it into segments. Wash the scallion and cut it into 2" segments. |
2. | Heat 1 tbs of oil in the soup pot. Add the scallion segments and pan-fry until golden brown. |
3. | Add the stock and bring it to a boil. Add the tofu and tomato and cook at medium heat for 5 minutes. |
4. | Add the salt for seasoning. |
5. | Add the spinach and turn off the heat immediately. Add the sesame oil before serve. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 07/17/2013 :)
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