材料 Ingredients
紅蘿蔔 Carrot | 1 | 杯 cup |
熟竹筍 Cooked bamboo shoot | 1 | 杯 cup |
黑木耳 DriedWood-ear Fungus | 1/2 | 杯 cup |
黃豆芽 Soy bean sprout | 2 | 杯 cup |
油 Salt | 2 | 大匙 Tbs |
鹽 Salt | 1/2 | 小匙 tsp |
香菇精 Mushroom seasoning | 1/4 | 小匙 tsp |
白胡椒 White pepper | 1/4 | 小匙 tsp |
油豆腐皮 Tofu pouch | 1 | 杯 cup |
榨菜絲 Pickled Chinese mustard | 1/2 | 杯 cup |
中國芹菜 Chinese Celery | 1 | 杯 cup |
油 Salt | 1 | 大匙 Tbs |
鹽 Salt | 1/2 | 小匙 tsp |
香菇精 Mushroom seasoning | 1/4 | 小匙 tsp |
糖 Sugar | 1/8 | 小匙 tsp |
白胡椒 White pepper | 1/4 | 小匙 tsp |
麻油 Sesame oil | 1 | 大匙 Tbs |
1. | 將黃豆芽洗乾淨, 把根部摘掉。韭黃和芹菜洗乾淨切成5cm長段。黑木耳和香菇泡軟後切絲。豆乾和油豆腐皮也切成細絲。紅蘿蔔削皮後和竹筍及榨菜都切成 5cm 細絲。 |
2. | 將 1 大匙油燒熱後加入豆干絲和香菇絲和醬油炒香﹐到豆乾略呈金黃。加入韭黃﹐鹽和胡椒快速拌炒到韭黃脫生。將所有材料盛出放在一旁。 |
3. | 油燒熱後加入黑木耳﹐紅蘿蔔和筍絲快炒到紅蘿蔔開始變軟。加入黃豆芽和其它調味料繼續炒到豆芽脫生。將所有材料盛出放在一旁。 |
4. | 油燒熱後加入芹菜和榨菜絲快炒﹐再加入油豆腐皮絲和所有調味料快炒到芹菜脫生。 |
5. | 將材料 A 和材料 B 倒回鍋裡。加入 1 大匙麻油於所有材料拌勻。此菜可冷食或熱食。 |

1. | Wash the bean sprouts and pinch off the roots. Wash and cut the yellow chives and celery into 2" segments. Soak the dried wood-ear fungus and shitake mushrooms and cut them into thin strips. Cut the bean curd and tofu pouch into 2" thin strips. Peel the carrot. Julienne the carrot, bamboo shoots and pickled Chinese mustard into 5cm strips. |
2. | Heat the oil. Add the bean curd, mushroom and soy sauce and sauté until the bean curd is golden brown. Add the yellow chives, salt and white pepper and sauté until the yellow chives are cooked but not soggy. Set the mixture aside. |
3. | Heat the oil. Add the wood-ear fungus, carrots and bamboo shoots. Sauté until the carrots start to become soft. Add the soy bean sprouts and other seasonings. Sauté until the bean sprouts are cooked but still crispy. Set the mixtures aside. |
4. | Heat the oil. Add the celery and pickled Chinese mustard juliennes and sauté. Add the tofu pouch and all the seasonings and sauté until the celery is cooked but still crispy. |
5. | Add mixture A & B back to the wok. Add 1 tbs of sesame oil and mix all the ingredients well. Serve hot or cold. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 07/13/2013©
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