材料 Ingredients
1. | 雞腿剁成小塊。薑切成小片。 |
2. | 將紅燒醬汁準備好。 |
3. | 將雞腿塊放進鍋裡用大火乾煎到兩面金黃。夾出雞腿放在砂鍋內。煎出來的雞油不要。 |
4. | 加入栗子和薑片到砂鍋內﹐與雞塊略拌。 |
5. | 倒入紅燒醬汁。加蓋用中火煮 20 分鐘﹐中途要攪拌幾次使其平均入味。拿開蓋子用大火燒到醬汁變稠後即可食用。 |

1. | Chop the chicken legs into small pieces. Cut the ginger into small slices. |
2. | Get the Brown Sauce ready. |
3. | Pan-fry the chicken pieces without oil in high heat until golden brown on both sides. Discard the oil from chicken and place the chicken in a clay pot. |
4. | Mix the chestnuts and ginger with the chicken. |
5. | Add the brown sauce in the clay pot. Cover and cook in medium heat for 20 minutes; stir several time during cooking for even seasoning. Uncover and turn the heat to high. Continue cooking until the sauce is thick. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 07/12/2013
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