材料 Ingredients
1. | 魚肉切薄片。酸菜用水沖去鹽份後切成粗絲。薑切成細絲。 |
2. | 將魚片用基本醃料醃 10 分鐘。 |
3. | 將柴魚湯頭燒滾。加入酸菜和薑絲用中火煮 15 分鐘。 |
4. | 火轉大。加入魚片﹐鹽﹐香菇精和白胡椒。等湯再度滾了後撇掉浮在湯上的泡沫渣滓。趁熱食用。 |

1. | Cut the fish into thin slices. Wash the salt off the pickled cabbage and cut it into thick strips. Julienne the ginger. |
2. | Marinate the fish with Light Basic marinade for 10 minutes. |
3. | Bring the bonito soup base to a boil. Add the pickled cabbage and ginger, and cook in medium heat for 15 minutes. |
4. | Turn the heat to high. Add the fish, salt, mushroom seasoning & white pepper. When the soup is boiling again, skim off the foams on top of the soup. Serve hot. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 07/12/2013
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