材料 Ingredients
1. | 將蝦用水沖洗後抽掉砂腸﹐確定所有的黏液都沖洗掉。將每隻橫切成兩片 (或切成小粒)。 |
2. | 將蝦用絞肉 (淡) 醃料醃好。 |
3. | 將鮮肉餡準備好。 |
4. | 將蝦和肉餡拌勻。 也可以分開做餡。 |

1. | Devein and wash the shrimps and make sure that all the mucus on the body are gone. Horizontally cut each shrimp in halves (Or you can dice the shrimps instead). |
2. | Marinate the shrimps with Light Ground Meat marinade. |
3. | Get the Meat Filling ready. |
4. | Mix the shrimps with the meat filling. You also can use them separately. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 07/18/2013
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