Vegetable and Meat Buns
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1. | Prepare the Leafy Green Vegetables Filling. Store the filling in the fridge. |
2. | Prepare the Chinese Yeasted Dough. Divide the dough into 20 pieces (approx. 35g per piece) and form each piece into a ball. Cover the dough balls with plastic wrap or damp cloth and rest for 15 minutes. |
3. | Press each dough ball and roll out into a 12cm/4.5" dia. disk that is thick in the center and thin around the edge. |
4. | Place approx. 45g of filling on the center of a dough disk. Lift one edge toward the center and make a crease, turn the dough a little and make another crease. Hold the top of the creases together. Repeat until the dough complete wraps the filling. Pinch the center tight to seal the opening. Repeat step 4 for the rest of the dough. |
5. | Cover the bottom of a steamer with a damp cloth, blanched vegetable leaves, or parchment paper. Place the buns in the steamer. Cover and let it proof for 30 minutes. In the cold weather, preheat the water in the steamer to 105˚F(40˚C). |
6. | Wrap the steamer lid with a cloth (Skip this step if using a bamboo steamer). Steam the buns over medium heat with cold water in the steamer. Once the water starts boiling, continue steaming for 8 minutes. After 8 minutes, place a pair of chopsticks under the lid to let the steam out and continue steaming for another 3 minutes. Turn off the heat and Leave the lid on until all the steam is out, approx. 10 minutes. |

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1. | 準備青菜鮮肉餡,放進冰箱冷藏。 |
2. | 準備中式發麵麵糰。將麵團分成20等份(每份約35克),再整成球型。用保鮮膜或濕巾蓋住麵團醒15分鐘。 |
3. | 將每一小麵球團壓扁,擀成中厚邊薄約12cm/4.5"直徑的圓片。 |
4. | 取約45克餡放在麵皮中心,將麵皮從邊緣拉向中心打折﹐一邊折一邊轉﹐最後捏緊收口。將剩餘麵團依樣包好。 |
5. | 蒸籠內鋪上濕巾,燙過的菜葉,或不沾黏烘培紙。將包子放進蒸籠加蓋發酵30分鐘。如果天氣冷,將蒸籠裡的水加溫到105˚F(40˚C)。 |
6. | 蒸籠蓋用布包好(如用竹籠則免)。從冷水蒸起,等聽到水滾聲後轉中火蒸8分鐘。8分鐘過後,在鍋蓋下架一雙筷子,露出小縫,再蒸3分鐘。火關掉後,等蒸氣散光後再掀蓋,大約10分鐘。 |

最後更新 (Last Update): 01/05/2020
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