材料 Ingredient
1. | 將包子內餡用刮刀劃成16等份。 |
2. | 將麵團切成兩半,各揉成直條,每條切成8等份(共16份)。用濕巾蓋住麵團醒10分鐘。 |
3. | 將每一小麵團壓扁,擀成中厚邊薄的圓片。 |
4. | 將一份餡放在麵皮中心,依照下列圖片包成三角型包子。將剩餘麵團依樣包好。 |
5. | 蒸籠內鋪上濕巾,燙過的菜葉,或不沾黏烘培紙。將包子放進蒸籠加蓋醒15分鐘。 |
6. | 蒸籠蓋用布包好(如用竹籠則免)。從冷水蒸起,等聽到水滾聲後轉中火蒸9分鐘。9分鐘過後,將鍋蓋打開一個3公分小縫,再蒸3分鐘。火關掉後,將鍋蓋縫再開大一點。等10分鐘後再將鍋蓋整個掀開。 |

1. | Use a spatula to divide the filling into 16 portions. |
2. | Cut the dough in half. Roll both halves into long tubes. Cut each tube into 8 equal pieces (16 total). Cover the dough with a wet paper towel, and let it rest for 10 minutes. |
3. | Press the pieces of the dough. Roll each into a disk that is thick in the center and thin around the edge. |
4. | Place one portion of the filling on the center of a dough disk. Following the pictures above to wrap it into a triangular bun. Repeat this step for the rest of the dough. |
5. | Cover the bottom of the steamer with a wet towel, blanched vegetable leaves or parchment paper. Place the buns in the steamer, cover and let them rest for 15 minutes. |
6. | Wrap the steamer lid with a cloth (Skip this step if using bamboo steamers). Steam with cold water in high heat. After the water starts to boil, continue steaming for 9 minutes in medium heat. After 9 minutes, move the lid one inch to let the steam out and continue steaming for 3 minutes. Turn off the heat and shift the lid another inch. Wait for 10 minutes before opening the lid. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 07/10/2013
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