玉米蛋花湯 Egg Flower Corn Soup

材料 Ingredients
玉米粒罐頭 Canned kernel corn1 罐 can (15.25oz)
玉米槳罐頭 Canned cream corn 1 罐 can (14.75oz)
蛋(打散) Egg (beaten) 2 個 each
鹽 Salt 1/2 小匙 tsp
黑胡椒 Black pepper1/8 小匙 tsp
水 Water1-1/4 罐 can (15.25oz)


1.Place canned kernel corn (discard the water in the can) and creamed corn in a pot. Add 1.25 can of water and bring the mixture to a boil.
2.Add salt and black pepper.
3. Make the soup boil again. Quickly stir the soup to form a whirl. Add the beaten eggs and turn off the heat. Wait until the eggs are cooked. Serve hot. You can also add some diced scallion.

最後更新 (Last Update): 10/21/2020
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