自製福州魚丸 Homemade Fuzhou Fish Balls (Meat-Stuffed Fish Balls)

材料 Ingredient
自製魚漿 Home-Made Fish Paste 1 份 Portion
五香肉餡 Five spices meat filling 1 份 portion


1.Prepare the Fish Paste and Five Spices Meat Filling. Store the meat filling in a refrigerator for at least 3 hours. Roll the cold meat filling into 1" balls.
2.Spread some oil on your hands. Take the proper amount of fish paste and form it into a round disk. Put a meat ball on the center of the disk. Close your palm loosely and form a circle opening with your index finger and thumb. Then, place the fish paste disk with meat ball on the opening. Use your thumb and index finger to roll the fish paste disk around, and the fish paste will gradually cover the meat ball. Repeat this step for the rest of the fish paste and meat balls.
3.Bring a half-full pot of water to a boil. Turn the heat to low.
4.Place the meat filled fish balls in the water (the water needs to be hot, but not boiling). Cook with low heat until the fish balls are floating (approx. 15 minutes).
5.Place the cooked fish balls in ice water until the balls completely cool down. Dry the balls and place them in a zip-lock bag. Keep them in freezer.

最後更新 (Last Update): 08/14/2013  
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