材料 Ingredient
1. | 將魚漿和五香肉餡準備好。五香肉餡放進冰箱冰至少3個小時。冰後的肉餡,揉成直徑2.5cm的小球。 |
2. | 取適量魚漿壓成小圓片,放入一個肉餡球在圓片的中間。將圓片放在虎口,再用食指和大拇指慢慢旋轉圓片,讓魚漿收口包住肉餡。手上抹點油比較好操作。重覆此步驟將剩餘魚漿和肉餡包完。 |
3. | 半鍋水煮沸騰後,將火關小。 |
4. | 將做好的魚丸放到鍋中煮到約浮到水面,約15分鐘。水不能是滾的。 |
5. | 將煮好的丸子泡在冰水中。等涼透後,濾乾裝進保鮮袋內,放入冰庫冷凍。 |

1. | Prepare the Fish Paste and Five Spices Meat Filling. Store the meat filling in a refrigerator for at least 3 hours. Roll the cold meat filling into 1" balls. |
2. | Spread some oil on your hands. Take the proper amount of fish paste and form it into a round disk. Put a meat ball on the center of the disk. Close your palm loosely and form a circle opening with your index finger and thumb. Then, place the fish paste disk with meat ball on the opening. Use your thumb and index finger to roll the fish paste disk around, and the fish paste will gradually cover the meat ball. Repeat this step for the rest of the fish paste and meat balls. |
3. | Bring a half-full pot of water to a boil. Turn the heat to low. |
4. | Place the meat filled fish balls in the water (the water needs to be hot, but not boiling). Cook with low heat until the fish balls are floating (approx. 15 minutes). |
5. | Place the cooked fish balls in ice water until the balls completely cool down. Dry the balls and place them in a zip-lock bag. Keep them in freezer. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 08/14/2013 ©
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