材料 Ingredients
1. | 白菜和菠菜葉分別洗乾淨。紅蘿蔔洗乾淨後去皮切成細絲。 香菇用水泡軟後也切成細絲。 |
2. | 將清炒醬汁準備好,醬汁裡的鹽降為1/3小匙,太白粉增加為2小匙。 |
3. | 炒菜鍋加水到一半的地方﹐加入1小匙鹽用大火燒滾。分別放入香菇,紅蘿蔔,白菜和菠菜燙熟 (不要同時放)。 菠菜燙完後可以馬上放進冰水以保翠綠。將菠菜和香菇的水份擠乾。 |
4. | 將白菜略微擦乾後鋪3葉在做壽司的竹簾上,每葉重疊2cm。將一半香菇絲,紅蘿蔔絲及菠菜鋪在白菜的邊緣上,然後像包壽司一樣把白菜捲起來。剩下的材料可再包一捲。 |
5. | 把白菜捲每捲切成4段後擺在盤裡。 |
6. | 將白菜捲放進微波爐用強火微2分鐘,或上爐子蒸5分鐘。 |
7. | 把清炒醬汁和高湯煮滾變稠後,淋在白菜捲上即可。 |

1. | Wash the Napa cabbage and spinach leaves. Wash, peel and julienne the carrot. Soak the shitake mushrooms in water until they are soft. Cut them into thin strips. |
2. | Prepare the Light Sauté Sauce. Decrease the salt in the sauce to 1/3 tsp and increase the starch in the sauce to 2 tsp. |
3. | Boil half of a wok of water. Add 1 tsp of salt to the water. Blanch the mushroom, carrot, cabbage and spinach separately in the boiling water until they are done. To keep the spinach green, transfer it immediately to ice water. Squeeze the mushroom and spinach dry. |
4. | Dry the Napa cabbage with a towel. Put 3 leaves of the cabbage on a bamboo rolling mat. Overlap the cabbage by 2cm. Place half of the mushroom, carrot and spinach on the edge of the cabbage. Like rolling a sushi roll, roll the cabbage from one side to the other. The rest of the ingredients can make another roll. |
5. | Place each cabbage roll into 4 equal segments. Transfer them to a microwave safe plate. |
6. | Microwave the cabbage rolls at high heat for 2 minute, or you can steam the rolls on a stove for 5 minutes. |
7. | Cook the Light Sauté Sauce and stock in a pot until the sauce is thick. Pour the sauce over the cabbage rolls. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 08/30/2013©
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