材料 Ingredients
1. | 把紅蘿蔔和竹筍切成 5cm 細絲。香菇如果用的是乾香菇,先用水泡軟後去蒂切成粗絲。松柳菇略為沖洗後馬上擦乾。將其底部切除﹐每根菇分開。 |
2. | 將魚香醬汁準備好。 |
3. | 鍋燒熱後加入魚香醬汁A料爆香, 再加入紅蘿蔔絲和香菇絲炒到熟。 |
4. | 加入筍絲,松柳菇和魚香醬汁B料用中火炒拌至松柳菇變熟而醬汁也變黏稠即可離鍋。 |

1. | Cut the carrot and bamboo shoot into 2" juliennes. If using dried shitake mushrooms, soak them in water until they are soft. Cut them into thin strips. Wash the beech mushrooms and dry them immediately. Cut the bottom of each beech mushroom off and separate each individual mushroom. |
2. | Prepare the Spicy Garlic sauce ingredients. |
3. | Heat the Part A ingredients from the Spice Garlic Sauce recipe in a wok. Add the carrot and shitake mushrooms and sauté until they are cooked through. |
4. | Add the beech mushrooms, bamboo shoots and the part B ingredients from the Spicy Garlic Sauce recipe to the wok. Sauté at medium heat until the beech mushrooms are done and the sauce becomes thick. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 09/07/2013©
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