材料 Ingredients
Note: 1.5 cups of rice = 2 rice cooker measurement cups of rice.
1. | 1-1/2杯米洗乾淨後濾乾,加1-3/4杯水依照電鍋指示放進電鍋裡煮熟。煮完後燜15分鐘。 |
2. | 把米醋,糖和鹽放進小鍋裡煮到糖和鹽融化。放在一邊待涼。也可以放進一個玻璃杯中,用微波爐強力微30秒。拿出玻璃杯用湯匙攪動到糖和鹽完全溶化。 |
3. | 將燜好的飯盛入一大木盆中(若沒有木盆就用不鏽鋼盆),淋上步驟2中的糖醋液,再用飯杓由下往上翻拌。拌飯時旁邊開著電扇讓飯加速變涼。飯粒要翻鬆,不要有結團。 |
4. | 做好的飯蓋上濕布以免飯變乾硬。 |

1. | Wash the rice and drain. Add 1-3/4 cups of water and cook with a rice cooker by following the manufacturer's instructions. When the rice is done, cover and let it sit for 15 minutes. |
2. | Place the rice vinegar, sugar and salt in a microwave safe glass in a small pot. Cook over medium low heat until the sugar and salt are dissolved. You can also put them in a microwave safe glass. Microwave the mixture over high heat for 30 seconds. Take out the glass and stir the mixture until the sugar and salt dissolves completely. |
3. | Transfer the cooked rice to a large wooden bowl (or a stainless steel bowl). Pour the vinegar mixture over the cooked rice. Use a rice paddle to stir the rice from the bottom up until the rice grains loosen and are not in clumps anymore. When you are stirring the rice, turn on an electric fan to help the rice cool down. |
4. | Cover the sushi rice with a damp cloth to prevent the rice from becoming dry and hard. |
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