麻辣萵筍 Celtuce in Hot Spicy Dressing

材料 Ingredients
萵筍 Celtuce1 磅 lb (450g)
乾黑木耳 Dried black wood-ear fungus 1 大匙 Tbs
紅辣椒 Red Chili Pepper 1 根 ea
大蒜 Garlic 3 瓣 clove
麻辣涼拌醬汁Hot Spicy Dressing 1 份 portion

3. 燒開2/3鍋的水。加入木耳燙1分鐘後撈出放進冰水裡。等木耳涼透了﹐將水濾乾放進碗裡。

1.Wash and peel the celtuce. Cut it into small chunks. Soak the wood-ear fungus in water until it is soft. Tear the large ones in half. Peel and thinly slice the garlic. Seed and slice the red chili pepper.
2.Prepare the Hot Spicy Sauce.
3. Bring a 2/3-full pot of water to a boil. Add the wood-ear fungus and cook for 1 minute. Transfer the wood-ear fungus into ice water. Whey it completely cools down, drain the water and transfer it to a bowl.
4.Mix the celtuce chunks, wood-ear fungus, garlic and red pepper with the Hot Spicy Sauce. Store the dish in a fridge and wait at least 1 hour before serving.

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